Carmen Arias *1999 Santander, Spain
Lives and works in Munich


ongoing    Diploma in Sculpture | Student of Hermann Pitz,  Jumana Manna and Katinka Bock, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München                                                                 

2023       Research period in Paris tutored by Prof. Yann Rocher (Paris-Malaquais)

2021       BA in Fine Arts | Universidad Complutense de Madrid
                Welding internship | Meyremo, Santander

2020       Internship at Art Foundry | Kunstgiesserei München

2017       High school with honors – Arts


2023        Can you tell me a joke? | eres projects
                 The listening biennial | Neuworkshop
                 Eating Land | Klasse Pitz group exhibition for the annual show of the Akademie der bildenden Künste, Munich
               “The lascaux syndrome” | Lecture performance at the exhibition “Mir + Nots”. Akademiegalerie, Munich.
                “Fair Play” | Selected project for the annual project of art in the public space of the Kulturreferat München. Taking place in a former ticket office at Olympiapark, Munich.

2022      Karl & Faber Preis der Stiftung Kunstakademie München (nominees exhibition) | Karl & Faber, Munich.
               Copula | Klasse Pitz group exhibition for the annual show of the Akademie der bildenden Künste, Munich.
               “The modular Ladder and the city” | Performance at Kunstpavillon, Munich.
               Kein Plan wiedersteht der ersten Berührung | Klasse Pitz group exhibition at Kunstpavillon, Munich.

2021      Egg*arten | Klasse Pitz group exhibition for the annual show of the Akademie der bildenden Künste, Munich
               Aufzeichnungen aus dem Untergrund | Collaborative project between the artist Nicolás Combarro and students of the
               Akademie der bildenden Künste in Maximiliansforum, Munich.

2020      #CCContext | Espacio Cómplices, Madrid.
               PROZESS*ION Prozeß*ion process*ion | Klasse Pitz group exhibition for the annual show of the Akademie der bildenden Künste, Munich.
               “Schulweg 16” | Proberaum 06, AdbK and  site-specific intervention in Grafrath.

2019        Make it CoWork | Espacio Cómplices, Madrid