↓ ↓ ↓ screenshots from the presentation Carmen Arias and a manhole cover did of the work.
MENUIch liebe Beton o cuaderno de expediciones en Múnich y sus alrededores
Bachelorthesis for the studies of BA Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Tutor: Isabel Carralero
“Ich liebe Beton” is conceived as an expedition booklet where a group of archaeologists of the future (or for the future)
study the present society by analyzing its architecture. The 6 essays set themselves between reality and fiction -as all
these excursions did indeed take place and the objects collected are real - with a utopian and ironic tone. These
archaeologists, by following the ideas of Robert Smithson, Antonio Sant’Elia, or Lara Armacegui, choose to categorize
their expeditions into two groups: in future enclosed spaces and in reopened spaces.
The work of the “IIAH” (Instituto Internacional de Arqueología en Hormigón, or in English; International Institute of
Archaeology in Concrete) includes studies in different construction sites and abandoned buildings. The phenomenon
of buildings "with an expiration date" is surveyed through the 1972 Olympic park and, in addition, a coal mine in north
Spain serves as an example of the upside-down city.
1. The archaeology of the future is an indispensable practice that must, therefore, be financed by the relevant government institutions.
2. Scaffolding is a beautiful element that should adorn, at least, two buildings in every four blocks.
3. Every building that can be physically accessed is a mandatory element to visit.
4. The incorrect reading of objects is the only correct one for an archaeological-futur-romantic interest. ”